7th Pay Commision: Big news for employees and pensioners.


 7th Pay Commision: Modi government at the Center once again pension of lakhs of central employees across the country Going to give great news to the beggars. The government is going to make a big increase in Dearness Allowance (DA) soon. Due to which the demand of pension to the employees who have been running for a long time will be fulfilled.

 7th Pay Commision: Big news for employees and pensioners.

AICPI (All India Consumer Price Index) declined by 1 percent in March 2022 after two consecutive months of decline. Therefore, the possibilities of increasing the DA by the government have increased. The government will review it in July. However, the AICPI figures for April, May and June are yet to come.

According to Money control, the government can increase DA up to 3 percent in July. It is important to note that in view of rising inflation DA is increased in January and July every year. However, if inflation has not increased, then it should not have increased

Dearness allowance was increased in January: 7th Pay Commision

The government had increased DA by 3 percent in January. If AICPI sees an increase in April, May and June, then the government Can increase DA again by 3 percent. Let us inform that in January and February, there was a slight decline in this data, but in March It has increased again. In January, the AICPI had declined 0.3 per cent to 125.4 from December 2021.

At the same time, in July it again declined by .1 percent. However, in March it directly percentage jumped, and it 126 points have been reached. At present the DA is 34 percent and this time if there is an increase then it can be 37 percent. This will benefit more than 50 lakh government employees and 50 lakh pensioners.

Increase in DA was stopped for 1.5 years: 7th Pay Commision

The central government stopped the DA increase for about 1.5 years to reduce the financial pressure in the wake of corona virus. The Center again increased dearness allowance and dearness relief from 17 per cent to 28 per cent in July 2021. Later, DA was increased again in October 2021.

Due to which dearness allowance became 31 percent. As the name suggests, Dearness Allowance is given to reduce the effect of inflation on the employees. It is revised twice every year. First in January and second time in July.

There can also be a difference in the DA of the employees. It may vary depending on their place of residence (urban, rural).


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